Benoît Junod. THE WORLD OF EX-LIBRIS. Kara art home. [on ligne], [1 page]. (visited : 2008-02-21) Available at :
“ Man’s history can be read in terms of communication. First, through language and primitive images. Through the wheel, which gave humans greater mobility. But above all, through the written word, which enabled man to pass on information beyond his own life-span. Engraved on stone, clay or wax tablets, written on papyrus, vellum, parchment and later on paper, texts took the form of books, and these have always been considered privileged vehicles of knowledge, and prized possessions. »
DC Title :
DC Creator :
Benoît Junod
Identifier :
DC Date :
Present a ex-libris as a small printed graphic work of art, indicating the name of the owner of a book and pasted into his volumes, one must add ‘supralibros’, which are heraldic motifs stamped on the outer surface of the binding, often in gold, with a similar purpose of identifying the owner.
DC Subject :
- bookplates,
- prints,
- etchings
DC Format :
Kara art